In campaign‚ City News‚ Community Venturing into Hope: Anamero Campaign Team Inspires Egor Local Government with Visionary Agenda
In campaign‚ City News‚ Community Inroads to Victory: Hon Anamero’s Edo 2024 Campaign Engages APC Leaders in Ovia North East and South West
In City News‚ Community‚ Education A Pivotal Announcement: Hon. Anamero Launches Free 10,000 WAEC Enrolment Support Program for Edo Students
In campaign‚ City News‚ Community Edo 2024: Hon. Anamero Dekeri’s Venture of Hope Agenda get Acceptance in Esan land.
In campaign‚ City News‚ Community Hon Anamero’s Trail of Unity and Support: A Visit to APC Leaders Across Esan Region
In campaign‚ City News‚ Devlopement Highlights of Hon. Anamero’s declaration for Edo State Governorship election
In City News‚ Devlopement‚ Goverment Hon. Anamero Joins Benin Kingdom in Joyous Thanksgiving Celebration
In campaign‚ City News‚ Devlopement Unveiling a New Chapter: Commissioning of Hon Anamero Dekeri’s Campaign Office
Disbursement Begins for 2025 Anamero Foundation WAEC Scholarship The beneficiaries, who were carefully selected based on merit and need, represent the foundation’s vision of fostering excellence and opportunity in education.