In campaign‚ City News‚ Devlopement Igniting Hope: Dekeri Rallies Edo Central for “Venture of Hope” Agenda
In campaign‚ City News‚ Devlopement Hon Anamero Rallies Edo North Leaders: “Together, We’ll Make Edo Great Again!”
In campaign‚ City News‚ Devlopement Journey for a Prosperous Edo: Hon Anamero Receives Gubernatorial Forms
In campaign‚ City News Assessing Edo State: Anamero Dekeri Highlights Concerns Over Obaseki’s Administration
In campaign‚ City News Hon Anamero’s Exclusive Interview: Vision for Edo and Competence in Leadership
Disbursement Begins for 2025 Anamero Foundation WAEC Scholarship The beneficiaries, who were carefully selected based on merit and need, represent the foundation’s vision of fostering excellence and opportunity in education.